heterodyne receiver

美 [ˈhɛtərəˌdaɪn rɪˈsiːvər]英 [ˈhɛtərəʊdaɪn rɪˈsiːvə(r)]
  • 外差接收机;外差式接受器
heterodyne receiverheterodyne receiver


a radio receiver that combines a locally generated frequency with the carrier frequency to produce a supersonic signal that is demodulated and amplified
Synonym: superheterodyne receiver superhet


  1. Atmospheric Coherence length and its effects on a laser heterodyne receiver


  2. Lastly , the best receiving aperture of a laser heterodyne receiver is discussed briefly .


  3. An ECE measurement system with heterodyne receiver on the HT-6B Tokamak


  4. The diagnosis of Tokamak electron cyclotron radiation by GaAs Schottky diode heterodyne receiver


  5. Installation and Debugging for Supersonic Heterodyne Receiver


  6. As the key techniques in Synthetic Aperture Ladar ( SAL ), balanced optical heterodyne receiver technology is studied in this paper .


  7. Supersonic heterodyne receiver Com parison of the Traveling-wave Ultrasonic Motor with the Ultrasonic Motor Using Longitudinal and Torsional Vibration Model


  8. A set of 5-channel heterodyne receiver system for measuring the ECE signals of the HT-6B tokamak plasma is described .


  9. This paper introduces the developing trends of radio receiver , analyses the demerits of traditional heterodyne receiver and the developing prospect of new-type zero IF receiver .


  10. This dissertation chooses received directly system , at the same time makes the simple introduction to the heterodyne receiver , and then carries on the preliminary analysis on optical antenna .


  11. The results indicate that the effects of atmospheric turbulence on the heterodyne receiver at a horizontal path are significant , but the effects at a slant path are much smaller .


  12. To reduce noise figure and improve receiver sensitivity , the heterodyne receiver model have become more widely available in the communication system . The rejection to image frequency interference has become the last problem for a low-noise receiver .


  13. Secondly , the paper analyzes the basic structure of several receivers , including heterodyne receiver , zero-IF receiver , low-IF receiver and mirror suppression receiver . Then through analyzing their respective strengths and weaknesses and the actual needs , we select the heterodyne receiver structure .


  14. Study on Polarization Independent Heterodyne Balanced Receiver


  15. The set is composed of two PZT tilted 45 ° relative to each other and a microcomputer . The feedback signal is obtained by sampling the IF envelope of twice heterodyne at receiver .
